Any of Them

Loïc Towel featured on Aaron Peck's blog, the Vancouver-based critic who wrote the introduction to this Deck Towel x Publication Studio of Hermann Melville's Billy Budd.

Aaron Peck is the author of The Bewilderments of Bernard Willis (published by Pedlar Press) and, in collaboration with artists Adam Harrison and Dominic Osterried, Letters to the Pacific (published by Publication Studio). Excerpts have appeared in Golden Handcuffs Review, Matrix Magazine and West Coast Line.

Recent reviews, interviews and articles have appeared in Art Agenda,, Art Papers, Canadian Art, Foam, Fillip, La Fabrica's Matador, and 01 Magazine, and he has contributed to numerous exhibition catalogs.

He also teaches at Emily Carr University of Art and Design and recently won the Ian Wallace Excellence In Teaching Award. He lives in Vancouver, BC.


This floats by in the Twitter sraetm occasionally: It’s not who we are that holds us back, it’s who we think we are not. Remembering that is the difficult part. Barb is so right about the venting and negativity online. Find a friend who will let you vent privately, but also cares enough to say enough what are you going to do about it? and then helps you get there. A little whining can be good for the soul, but social media and online venues is not the place for it. You nailed it it’s all about choice.

Ronnayut mayo 01, 2012

Articles like this are an emxalpe of quick, helpful answers.

Lucy diciembre 15, 2011

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